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MANU National park

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Попробовал сравнить Ману с Икитосом.

Ману производит впечатление намного более дикого места, приспособленного под наблюдение за природой (специальные вышки) в икитосе этого не обнаружил.
В икитосе нет ягуаров.
В ману нет розовых дельфинов и пираний, муравьеда
В остальном все практически одинаково.

По ценам - икитос определенней - 3 дня и 2 ночи - 340 долл. + 250 перелет, итого, 590
Ману по данным manuexpeditions.com - 1180 USD за 4 дня и 3 ночи - начало по пятницам, по данным manuperu.com не совсем понятно - у них есть 3 дня и 2 ночи, пишут про дополнительно 60 долл. за вход в парк, отдельная оплата за самолет и canopy - 55 долларов, а сам тур не упоминают- нужно им писать и спрашивать, возможно торговаться. На amazonizlodge.com по ценам мало чего, только есть указание, что 70 долл. за ночь. Если полагать, что можно торговаться до этих цен и в других местах, то можно примерно оценить 3*70 + 60 вход в парк + 55 площадка + 200 самолет (если в оба конца), то примерно в 520 можно уложиться.
возможно я чего нибудь не углядел на сайтах, но пока у меня понимание, что по деньгам это близко.

Пока для меня небольшое преимущество за Икитосом в силу большей определенности.



Про Икитос интересный отчет http://travel.awd.ru/content/view/145/124/

Также там много других отчетов по Перу

ИМХО, надо читать отчеты бывалых там, а не рекламные сайты. Можно на любое г..но сделать офигенную картинку семизвездочного отеля. Уж я это, как пиарщик, знаю  ^^



Ниже программа на 4 дня, расписанная по дням.
В конце - цена, и всё, что включено в цену.
Контактный телефон + 51 - 84  - 261640.


Manu National Park, located in southeastern Peru, is one of the largest parks in South America. The area of the park encompasses parts of the Andean department of Cusco and the jungle department of Madre de Dios. Manu protects over 2 million hectares (4.5 million acres) of territory rich in flora and fauna species in a variety of habitats including high Andes, cloud forests, and lowland tropical rain forests.

UNESCO officially recognizes this natural paradise as a world heritage site. In 1977 they designated Manu as a World Biosphere Reserve because it contains the best existing example of biodiversity in protected areas of rain forest, as well as endemic areas of cloud forest. Humans have altered the majority of forests in the world.  Fortunately, Manu has remained intact and untouched by civilization.  Thus, we can observe a variety of animals in their natural habitats, including: Giant Otters (Pteronura brasiliensis), Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger), the majestic Jaguar (Panthera onca), the strange Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus), the Tapir (Tapirus terrestris), the Ocelot (Felis pardalis), 13 species of primates, and an estimated one thousand species of birds including seven species of Macaws (Ara sp.).

Manu also contains 10% of the world’s vascular plant species, including several species of figs and palms, as well as countless species of medicinal plants that scientists are currently cataloguing.  A single hectare of forest in Manu can have up to 220 species of trees, while a hectare of temperate forest in Europe or North America may only have 20 tree species. Manu National Park may be the most biologically diverse and protected park on the planet.
4 days / 3 nights Program – Manu National Park

DAY 01: We leave Cusco early in the morning in one of our vehicles. Approximately mid-morning we visit the interesting tombs of Ninamarca, commonly known as “Chullpas”. We continue to Paucartambo, a picturesque Spanish colonial town, and then to the Acjanacu pass, which marks the beginning of the Cultural Zone of Manu Biosphere Reserve.  Here, a thick cloak of clouds provides perpetual humidity and makes an ideal habitat for epiphytic plants such as bromeliads. This varied and fascinating world is home of the Cock of the Rock, Spectacled Bear, Orchids, Tree Ferns (one of the oldest living plants), mosses and lichens. This cloud forest exists between 2,000 and 3,500 m.a.s.l. and at least 50% of the plant species found here are endemic to this region. Overnight in our “Orquídeas de San Pedro Lodge”.

Day 02: Today we wake up very early to observe the Cock of the Rock (Rupicola peruviana), Peru’s national bird from a platform. The male birds are a vibrant reddish orange, and as many as several dozen come together for an exhibition of a mating ritual dance in a place called Lek. The males display their crest, showing off and posturing for the females. The females, fewer in number, watch to select the most suitable males. After breakfast we continue in our vehicle down the narrow road between waterfalls and canyons toward the town of Pilcopata (*1) and then to Atalaya Port. here we board our covered, outboard motor boat and head down the Alto Madre de Dios River for approximately 15 minutes toward our private reserve of “Erika” a comfortable / rustic lodge owned also by Manu Ecological Adventures where we will hike through the interesting trail system that this transitional area between high and low jungle offers. Overnight at the lodge.

*1 Free Option: Here in Pilcopata town we will make the final settings for a 1 ½ river rafting (class I and II) trip down the Koshñipata River where we will have the opportunity for a dip and of course enjoy the spectacular view of the Koñeq Canyon. Continuing down the Alto Madre de Dios River to Erika Lodge.
*2 New!!! Option: We walk through the trail that leads us to the observation platform located 15 feet above the mammal lick itself where we wait for the lumbering peccaries to arrive, we observe and photograph them in action. Important: The observation depends on luck on availability and weather conditions.

DAY 03: Erika Lodge is located in a transition zone between high and low jungle (600 m.a.s.l. to 1,150 m.a.s.l), encompassing different habitats. This altitude range explains the high diversity of wildlife found around this lodge, so immediately after breakfast, we will start walking near the riverbanks, during the hike our guide will talk about insects, medicinal plants, trees, reptiles, mammals, etc. This afternoon we board our boat, and after five minutes, we will walk for another 30 minutes approximately though a very nice trail to observe and talk about the interesting flora fond such as sensitive plants, heliconias, fruit plantations, etc. until we arrive to Machuwasi Lake where with the help of a telescope we can observe great egrets, tucanets, carpenters, Keskadees, cardinals, etc. Short night walk to observe American bullfrogs, horned frogs, tree frogs and an incredible variety of insects.

*3 Free Option: Canopy Zip Down: At Erika Lodge, our guests traverse from tree to tree and platform to platform using pulleys on horizontal traverse cables zip lines), as they sail through the treetops of the tropical rainforest canopy, and over the trails far below. Expert guides assist you in this exciting journey through the different layers of the rain forests and explain what’s going on around you from the time you leave the ground, until you rappel back down to the forest floor.

DAY 04: This day we will get up very early to board our boat again for only five minutes down river to our Parrot clay Lick called “Collpa” on the riverbanks, where many species of parrots such as the blue headed parrot, white-eyed parakeet, feed for mineral and salt supplements to their diet of seeds and fruits. Immediately we continue to Atalaya Port where the bus will drive us back to Cusco city, arriving late in the evening.
SERVICES INCLUDED: Specialized and bilingual guide, 01 night in Orquídeas de San Pedro Lodge, 02 nights in Erika Lodge, meals (vegetarian option is available), first aid kit including anti-ophidian shots, all land and river transportation, captain and river rafting equipment, specialized guide for the Canopy Zip Down and required equipment, safety box for values and storage for luggage at Cusco’s main office.

THINGS THAT ARE NOT INCLUDED : The breakfast and mineral water, only for the first day, some kind of drinks such as beers or sodas, tips and the last dinner.

Camera and films (ASA 200 and 400 for the inner forest)
Warm clothing (in case of a cold front), long sleeve shirts and long pants (cotton) wide brim hat and sun glasses for sunny days
100% waterproof rain gear (long poncho or rain wear)
Insect repellent (at least 50% DEET)
Sunscreen lotion
Hiking shoes and sandals
Flashlight, enough batteries (alkaline) and bulbs
Towel, swimming suit
Personal medicines and/or supplies (liquid for contact lenses for example)
One day pack and one back pack or duffel bag of luggage.

Price US$ 365



То бишь все трансферы включены, проводники включены, еда и ночевки, за исключением пары приемов пищи и выпивки, тоже включены.
Может забронируем???



То бишь все трансферы включены, проводники включены, еда и ночевки, за исключением пары приемов пищи и выпивки, тоже включены.
Может забронируем???



Посмотрел внимательно про Ману и Икитос
принял решение - Икитос 13.08 на 3 дня и 2 ночи.
Школа выживания - идеальный кейс, с т.з. погружения в природу, хотя и просто Икитос это классно - мой друг не видел только крокодилов - остальное все было  в наличии ( правда анаконда на фермах, но может это и к лучшему :)
Ману за 365 - компромисс - добираться на автобусах, причем все происходит в mutiple area, а самое интересное должно быть в reserved area - туда, куда самолет летает.

Лев не удалось подобрать 2 дня на Титикаке ? - Как там по ценам?



Точки маршрута и ночевки указаны на карте на сайте http://www.manuadventures.com/map.html .

То есть в первый день ночуем в San Pedro lodges.
Второй и третий в Erika lodge
Продолжительность заброски в первый и последний день - 9 и 11 часов. Во время этой заброски мы будет выходить для посещения концептуальных мест (об этом в описании программы, которая вывешена ранее) Во второй и третий день мы передвигаемся только на своих двоих и по воде.


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